Fransaskois Community

Welcome to the Bonjour Saskatchewan website, a place to discover an amazing francophone world right here in Saskatchewan. We celebrate and explore the French language and francophone culture.

This site is a window to what the francophone experience has to offer. Through it, you will find a range of activities, opportunities, and things to do in French, in many regions across Saskatchewan. 

Being bilingual has proven to be a huge advantage. Thanks to French and English, my culture is twice the size! Today, I feel like a true citizen of the world, sensitive to other minorities, languages and cultures. I’ve also moved on to learning other languages.

Daniel Fontaine

This province has a rich and enduring connection with the French language dating back over 250 years. Though it may not be obvious at first glance, living in Saskatchewan and regularly using the French language can be quite synonymous. Discover how language, culture and diversity combine to form relationships and create a provincewide francophone collective known as the Fransaskois community, a vibrant, thriving component of the social fabric within the province of Saskatchewan.


Francophones have lived in Saskatchewan for a long time, and have participated in shaping and developing the province. As a linguistic community, French speakers work in all fields and share, along with others, their culture and their desire to make Saskatchewan grow. 





Find a Fransaskois community centre and discover where many French language activities are happening.